Welcome To Anand Netralaya
- Prior appointment would be highly appreciated. Avoid taking appointment on doctor's mobile phone.
- Appointment patients will be given priority.
- Register yourself with all demographics (details)at Reception.
- Enroll your name at reception.
- Preliminary examination will be done in the refraction room.
- Refraction will be followed by instillation of eye drops for dilatation for further examination.
- Dilatation will take minimum 30 minutes. Dilatation will make your vision blurred for next two to three hours.
- You will then be examined by the eye surgeon in the doctor's room.
- Additional test may be required to rule in or rule out certain conditions.
- You are requested to keep your mobile phones on silent mode all throughout the check up.
- Please ask only relevant questions to reduce the chair time.
- If you develop allergy to eye drops, please feel free to inform the hospital staff/doctor.If you develop allergy to eye drops, please feel free to inform the hospital staff/doctor.
- First consultation is valid for One months from the date of your visit.